Now & Then In Vogue

Like many T* folk I took full advantage of the various lockdowns during the pandemic to experiment with clothing, hair and make-up, as well as building my confidence to actually move my transition forward. But, what was happening in my life just before lockdown #1 announcement on 9th March 2020? I took this photo that morning, shortly before lunch and […]

A Change of GP

I really should entitle this post as a change of town, but that’s a longer story. I relocated 7 weeks ago at the time of writing this and hadn’t been here long when my pharmacy, in my old town, told me that my prescription was ready to be collected. Unfortunately I didn’t feel that I could rely on anyone to […]

You can’t please all the people

I definitely can’t please all the people but some comments, even second hand, do cause me to stop and think. I’m in a mini dress that’s a black cotton button up shirt dress, it lands a long way above my knees and the last button is high enough that there’s another length of leg visible when I’m walking. In short […]

A rant!

A summary of the past few days: 2 towns, 4 frocks, a beer festival (twice), 4 pubs (twice) and multiple trains. One, just one bigot, who is a known problem, I dealt with him and he left the pub. That’s it. I’m out there. I’ll add that my transition has zero GP support and no regional NHS help. I have […]

Update – May 2024

It’s now 14 months since I transitioned and seemingly upset a few people! However, my life has continued without interruption. Lots happened back in March & April last year, starting with my name change and getting my NHS recordĀ  amended. Banks, HMRC/DWP, Ofcom and the District Council were amongst the bodies I needed to contact. This was really just bureaucracy […]

Cute me at 4!

I’ve come across this photo of 4 year old me several times over the last half century and recall, when I was about eight I tried to destroy a physical photo with a biro. Even by eight I was questioning my place in the world but didn’t want anyone to know about the photo. I am, now, rather pleased that […]

Passing – options & decisions

One aspect of my transition that I don’t often touch upon is that of ‘passing’. In short, I don’t try! I’ve been blonde for 6 years and have been growing it all that time, and more, so I didn’t make that change to pass – in fact it’s mostly tied back! Make-up is something I very rarely use. I carry […]

Looking back in time

Both of my “legacy” social media accounts were created some time before my transition but both had ‘Shiraz’ in the account name. One such platform (aka cesspit) reminded me that today that it’s the 12th anniversary of the account creation, so 11 years before transition, dating it to 20 March 2012. The other one dates to mid 2015 so is […]

My transition

I made a concious move to a feminine non-binary appearance in 2019 although this wasn’t a destination but rather another way-point on my journey to my eventual social & legal transition a year ago. I had known for 30+ years I needed to transition, so the outcome wasn’t in doubt. Four years of non-binary appearance meant that when I did […]