Both of my “legacy” social media accounts were created some time before my transition but both had ‘Shiraz’ in the account name.

One such platform (aka cesspit) reminded me that today that it’s the 12th anniversary of the account creation, so 11 years before transition, dating it to 20 March 2012.

The other one dates to mid 2015 so is a little younger – however that is the second Shiraz FB account as the first was discovered by my ex’s divorce ‘team’ and it would have been used against me during the legal proceedings. That led to it being deleted in late March 2008.

So my eventual transition was a slow burn so far as an online presence is concerned,. I bought my first Shiraz domain name, and created an email address on that domain, in Feb 2012 (according to Nominet Whois!). That email address is still my personal address.

Two photos of me from March 2008, taken in the Kingfisher Pub (Cherry Tree) pub in Dover, Kent. I was out 16 years ago!

The image on the laptop screen (18 March 2008) is the same photo (below) of me in a purple blouse (4 March 2008) on my first Shiraz Facebook account. Oh, not a wig – all my own hair (natural colour too, I hadn’t gone grey then!)

1 thought on “Looking back in time

  1. Hey Shiraz,

    Looking GOOD. It is really nice to see you posting again. I have just finished the Tammyverse saga (again) and ****hoping**** there might be a continuation coming soon?

    with love,


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