Like many T* folk I took full advantage of the various lockdowns during the pandemic to experiment with clothing, hair and make-up, as well as building my confidence to actually move my transition forward. But, what was happening in my life just before lockdown #1 announcement on 9th March 2020? I took this photo that morning, shortly before lunch and […]
Now & Then In Vogue
A Change of GP
I really should entitle this post as a change of town, but that’s a longer story. I relocated 7 weeks ago at the time of writing this and hadn’t been here long when my pharmacy, in my old town, told me that my prescription was ready to be collected. Unfortunately I didn’t feel that I could rely on anyone to […]
Lots of changes recently. My daughter left home after 15 years with me as sole carer, but it took a month before I was certain she wasn’t coming back. By the time I did know, Christmas was just a couple of weeks away and the housing market dries up. In January I left town, although I’m not far away, to […]
Autumn Blues
Autumn (aka Fall in some places) is always a time of change and mostly small changes. My biggest event of the autumn is the Harwich International Shanty festival, where I am photographer, webmistress and part-time social media manager. The weather held for our mid-October festival weekend and many thousands enjoyed the local hospitality. I am very active during the festival […]
Where am I? (Updated)
Edited – see below The summer has arrived and I’m nearly 18 months down the line from my transition, whilst also 2 years on from my effective GIC referral date. So, time to take stock. Firstly, zero has happened on the NHS front in the past year. This isn’t unexpected but it saddens me that my health isn’t being monitored. […]
Book covers again!
Over the past few weeks I’ve continued working through the original books of the Tammy stories, updating the cover art. At the same time, the manuscripts will get a freshen-up and any typos that made it though to the ‘final’ draft should be found!
You can’t please all the people
I definitely can’t please all the people but some comments, even second hand, do cause me to stop and think. I’m in a mini dress that’s a black cotton button up shirt dress, it lands a long way above my knees and the last button is high enough that there’s another length of leg visible when I’m walking. In short […]
New cover designs
Over the past few weeks I’ve started working through the original books of the Tammy stories, updating the cover art. At the same time, the manuscripts will get a freshen-up and any typos that made it though to the ‘final’ draft should be found! Next for the treatment are Testing Times and Summer Fling. USA Author Page UK […]
A Rail Tour to Harwich Town!
A rail excursion is due on the Mayflower Line tomorrow (Sunday July 28). The locomotive hauled train is visiting watery extremities in NE Essex and at Ipswich. It will pass through Manningtree station to Harwich Town and exits on the curve at Manningtree towards Ipswich Wharf. Leading on arrival is a Class 33, leading on departure is a Class 56. […]
Tamara’s Début – Kindle $0.99 offer!
Between 27 July and 3 August 2024 I’m offering the Kindle edition of Tamara’s Début for just $0.99 (USA) or the equivalent in local currencies. If you fancy seeing what the story is about, then try the complete book for under $1, £1, €1 …! Edit (Sat 27th July). Amazon only discounted the US price so I have manually adjusted […]