I definitely can’t please all the people but some comments, even second hand, do cause me to stop and think.

I’m in a mini dress that’s a black cotton button up shirt dress, it lands a long way above my knees and the last button is high enough that there’s another length of leg visible when I’m walking. In short it’s not, quite, indecent! I can’t help my height (around 6″ 1.82m) so short frocks are potentially micro on me! At least I’m confident enough not to worry, normally!

So, today I was at the till in Lidl, a German supermarket with a store in my home town, when a family member arrives in the store and spots me paying for my shopping. Via a third party (my daughter!) I’m told that she commented on my hair, stating that it should be tied back? She obviously didn’t see the Alice band, keeping my face clear. Good job she didn’t see my legs, as well!

It may not be a surprise that the person concerned has not accepted me.

Photo is me, back home from the store.
Size 14, 77.5kg (12st 4lb)

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