Like many T* folk I took full advantage of the various lockdowns during the pandemic to experiment with clothing, hair and make-up, as well as building my confidence to actually move my transition forward.

But, what was happening in my life just before lockdown #1 announcement on 9th March 2020?

I took this photo that morning, shortly before lunch and a mid-afternoon wander down to the quayside and into the ‘old’ town. A few pubs may have been involved in my travels!

Serendipity I found this exact top yesterday (although it’s actually a mini dress that is quite short on me!).

I had to try it on.

5 years and two days between those 2 photos … and what’s changed? My hair colour for one, but that was only done last week – until then it looked pretty much like the first photo! As for lippy – I rarely wore it five years ago.

Face shape? I feel that’s changed, but is that a subjective opinion? A year of HRT so far but there’s also 10kg weight difference between the photos – I put 5kg during lockdowns and lost 15kg later on.

And, the obvious one – I was 54 then and I’m 59 now.

I think this top will be given an airing this summer, possibly (carefully) as a dress (it has pockets!)


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